Italia: Wandering Scilla

Explorations of a small town perched by the edge of the sea. 

Located on the toe of Italy’s boot, Scilla is a small town I found by accident. Boredom found this beautiful city. I took one look on Google Maps, and it was immediately added to my trip.

Scilla is a coastal town on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It consists of two parts, the lower town and the upper town. The upper town is located on top of a cliff overlooking the sea and the lower town. I started in the upper town and worked my way down. It was a bit of a climb back.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

I love how Italy has all these arches over narrow streets.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Don’t have room for a garden? No, problem in Italy.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

First views from the top at the town’s main piazza. The land in the distance is Sicily.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

The upper town is built on a peninsula of high ground, complete with a castle.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Views from the other side.

Chiesa Madre dell' Immacolata. Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Chiesa Madre dell’ Immacolata and the Castello Ruffo di Scilla.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

The staircase down from the upper town is a bit fancy.

Chiesa Madre dell' Immacolata. Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

That mosaic is very vibrant.

Scilla Castle, ItalyJana Irving

Going into the castle!

Scilla Castle, ItalyJana Irving

For 2€ you can walk around. It doesn’t have a big exhibit but the views were great.

Scilla lighthouse. Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

The Scilla Lighthouse is still important because Scilla is right at the entrance of the Messina Strait, a major shipping channel.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Looks at that view! It’s really obvious here how much higher the upper town is from the lower town.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

And then the other side.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Heading down to the lower town.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Scilla is a popular weekend get away in the summer.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Love the traditional fishing boats.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Perched on the edge of the sea.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Looking back toward the castle.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

An unexpected waterfall.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Such a cute town.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

A narrow street of shops.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

So cute.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Heading to the bit of town near the water in front of the castle.

scilla castle. Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

The castle being very much a castle.

grotto. Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

There is a random grotto shrine inside of a covered road that connects the two lower sections of town.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

A cute little church.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

The beach side of town.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

On my way back up.

Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

Still heading up.

San Rocco. Scilla, ItalyJana Irving

The backside of San Rocco.

Scilla was the second stop of the day, so I only had the afternoon to explore. The town is probably more lively in the summer. I’m glad I basically had the town to myself.


Check out my next update where I explore the unique city of Matera!


Start at the beginning of this adventure. 

About Wandering Jana

Traveling the world to discover the past.
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