Italia: Wandering Altamura

Explorations of a small Southern Italian city few have heard about. 

There really isn’t anything in Altamura that would be a big draw with tourists. It’s a cute city with a gorgeous cathedral that I found just clicking around on Google Maps. I was looking for a couple of small cities to stay in the area. Altamura won because I found a really cheap apartment with a washer and dryer there. Sometimes my trip planning gets a bit weird.

Altamura has been around since ancient times. No one knows what the ancient city was called. The city was refounded in the 13th century by Frederick II, King of Sicily. It was Frederick II that was responsible for the gorgeous Cathedral of Altamura.

Cathedral. Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

The weather wasn’t the best when I was in Altamura. It was rainy and the coldest day I experienced in Italy. This photo is from the end of the day after the weather decided to cooperate. It was still freezing though.

Cathedral. Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

This cathedral is a bit weird. This side used to be the side with the altar and the other end had the main door. Even some of the windows were stoned up. There was some damage to the church in the 14th century. Maybe that’s when they made the change.

Cathedral. Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Love this main door.

Cathedral. Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

It wasn’t night when I took this photo. It was that dark outside.

Cathedral. Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

The church is looking great. It was restored in the last 20 years, inside and out.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

The main street through the historic center.

Jana Irving

Porta Bari. The road probably went in the direction of Bari. It now leads to the train station where you can get a train to Bari.

Jana Irving

Many of the buildings in the historic center were all made from the same color stone. I love it.

Jana Irving

San Nicola dei Greci. I love that doorway as well.

Jana Irving

Very cool.

Jana Irving

Tiny, bendy street.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

That balcony is cool, too.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Just a random red carpet.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Courtyard garden.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Arco Basso Angelo Milano (Low Arch), said to be one of the lowest arches in Europe at 140 cm (4.5 ft) high.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Very cute.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Another courtyard garden.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Little church?

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Lots of cool doors in Altamura.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Tunnel to a courtyard.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Old city gate perhaps?

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

People actually drive on this street.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Very cute.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Cute little church.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

I love a good tunnel.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Birds and a street sign.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Ivy covered building.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

A fortified building in the middle of town.

Altamura, ItalyJana Irving

Altamura is a cute little town off the main tourist track.

Altamura was a neat little city. It has its own amazing bread and everything. It was a perfect town to stop for a little vacation from my vacation.


Check out my next update where I explore a Baroque city built in stone.


Start at the beginning of this adventure. 

About Wandering Jana

Traveling the world to discover the past.
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