Italia: Wandering Prato

Explorations of a small Tuscan city not far from Florence.

Prato is a small Tuscan city just northwest of Florence, Italy. Compared to its more famous neighbor, Prato is a very chill city and is a very easy day trip.

I stayed in Florence for a few days. I also used Florence as a jumping off point to visit two local cities and not the normal cities people visit while staying in Florence. Most people visit Pisa or Siena, but most people haven’t been to Florence five times, Pisa three times, and Siena twice. My focus for this fifth trip to Italy is see something new everyday. Since I only found a couple of things new in Florence I hadn’t seen, Prato was a great morning trip to take. (That is also why I’m not writing any new posts on Florence.)

Castello dell'Imperatore. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Castle! A great start to Prato.

Castello dell'Imperatore. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Castello dell’Imperatore from the 13th century. It wasn’t open yet when I first walked by. Since it was free to enter, I had to come back.

Castello dell'Imperatore. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

There isn’t much inside but they do let you walk around the top, which was cool.

view from Castello dell'Imperatore. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Some nice views.

Castello dell'Imperatore. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Very impressive.

tower, Prato ItalyJana Irving

It’s not a medieval Tuscan city without at least one tower house.

tower. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Or two.

Prato, ItalyJana Irving

It’s a cute little city.

cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

But its main draw is its amazing cathedral, Cattedrale di Santo Stefano. (Came back to the cathedral again to get some better pictures of the exterior.)

cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

The replica outdoor pulpit originally created by Renaissance architect Michelozzo and decorated by Donatello.

cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

The original pulpit was moved inside for its preservation in the 1960s.

cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

The cathedral also has this amazing side door.

cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Looks like a Tuscan church to me.

cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

One of the chapels is elaborately decorated with frescoes.

frescos. cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

The gate made it difficult to get some photos of the frescoes.

cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Front of the church.

frescoes. cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

If you pay for the museum, you can go and get a up close view of the sanctuary.

frescoes. cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Oops, someone lost their head.

frescoes. cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

The cathedral museum also had some interesting frescoes.

frescos in the crypt. cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

The museum is in a crypt under the sanctuary of the cathedral.

cathedral. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

What’s left of the cloister.

Piazza del Duomo. Proto, ItalyJana Irving

Back outside in the Piazza del Duomo.

Palazzo Pretorio di Prato. Proto, ItalyJana Irving

Palazzo Pretorio di Prato (Praetorian Palace), the old city hall.

church, Prato, ItalyJana Irving


Castello dell'Imperatore. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

Back at the castle.

Santa Maria delle Carceri. Prato, ItalyJana Irving

And its next door neighbor, Santa Maria delle Carceri.

Prato is a cute little city a short train ride from central Florence. I came for the cathedral, but I enjoyed much of the town. Prato also has several museums that I didn’t visit, so plenty to do here for a day.


Check out my next update where I visit Pistoia, another city not far from Florence!


Start at the beginning of this adventure.

About Wandering Jana

Traveling the world to discover the past.
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