Viaggio Italiano: Wandering Taormina

Explorations of an adorable city high above the Mediterranean Sea. Continue reading
Explorations of an adorable city high above the Mediterranean Sea. Continue reading
Explorations of a lovely Northern Italian city full of wonderful palaces and churches. Continue reading
They are grisly, dark and awesome! Check out the Catacombs of Naples! Continue reading
Explorations of a city full of the most wonderful mosaics ever. Seriously, they are awesome. Continue reading
Explore a villa once owned by one of Ancient Rome’s most infamous emperors. Continue reading
Explore the immense beauty of Vatican City. Continue reading
Explorations of my favorite city in the world’s museums. Continue reading
Rome is famous for its churches. These are only a few of many you need to visit. Continue reading
Life-like statues and huge mausoleums, check out the amazing Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno. Continue reading
Wander the narrow, winding streets of Rome. Continue reading
Rome is full of ruins from its ancient past. Come explore them with me. Continue reading
There is much more to this Tuscan city than its Leaning Tower. Continue reading
Explorations of a delightful city in Northern Italy that has been around since Ancient Rome. Continue reading
Take a dip into the past at Rome’s ancient Baths of Caracalla, where Ancient Romans got naked, clean, and well-read. Continue reading
Explorations of a small medieval town in the foothills of Tuscany. Continue reading
In the suburbs of Naples, Italy, lies one of the largest preserved mansions of the ancient world and it’s absolutely huge. Continue reading
Why does one history buff love cemeteries so much? Trust me, it’s not creepy. Continue reading