Around Great Britain in 30 Days: Day 26, Gloucester to Tewkesbury

A crazy day in Southern England going from one medieval church to another, exploring weird tombs and an even weirder map! Continue reading
A crazy day in Southern England going from one medieval church to another, exploring weird tombs and an even weirder map! Continue reading
With an Ancient Roman house and hidden catacombs, Rabat is an interesting Maltese town. Continue reading
Explorations of a picturesque Southern French town. Continue reading
Explore an amazing rural cemetery right at the heart of Brooklyn, New York. Continue reading
They are grisly, dark and awesome! Check out the Catacombs of Naples! Continue reading
Explore the ruins of a monastic city in the wilds of Ireland. Continue reading
This Southern French town is really nice. Continue reading
Walk in the footsteps of Aristotle in Assos, a seaside Turkish town that hasn’t changed much since the days of Ancient Greece. Continue reading
Check out the history that surrounds Scotland’s Firth of Forth. Continue reading
Explore Paris’ macabre side. Get ready for some bones, lots and lots of bones. Continue reading
Explorations of the City of Angels and the surrounding area. Continue reading
Explore the colonial side of Newport, Rhode Island. Continue reading
Life-like statues and huge mausoleums, check out the amazing Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno. Continue reading
Celts, cathedrals and castles that aren’t really castles—Yorkshire’s a history buff wonderland. Continue reading
There is much more to this Tuscan city than its Leaning Tower. Continue reading
Explore Grand Canyon National Park’s history in the park’s cemetery. Continue reading
Check out Paris’ largest cemetery, the most visited cemetery in the world. Continue reading
Check out the town that was too tough to die, although it almost did. Continue reading
Dark. Musty. Tranquil. Creepy. The pageantry of the afterlife etched out in granite, marble, you name it. Cemeteries are a little divisive as a destination but are also truly destinations to be seen. Continue reading
Explorations of one of the world’s smallest countries. Continue reading
A little exploration of the city of Bangor, Maine. Continue reading
Only a tomb so elaborate and grandiose as this one would be acceptable for someone like Napoleon. Continue reading
A little exploration of New York City’s amazing architecture. Continue reading
Why does one history buff love cemeteries so much? Trust me, it’s not creepy. Continue reading