

Have you ever wandered around a new city just for the sake of exploration? Well, you should. It is hard to really get the essence of a place if all you are doing is going from place to place without seeing the places in between. Wandering is a perfect way to find out about a place, even a place you have been two hundreds of times.

If I wasn’t aimlessly wandering around Amsterdam, I would have never found this canal.

I love to wander and just look up at the world around me, from big cities or little villages. I love to see a town’s unique architecture and flair and wandering is the best way to find what I love the most.

This series is dedicated to wandering, mostly aimless, sometimes not.


Wandering San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge. San Francisco, California

Explorations of the City by the Bay. Continue reading

Wandering Rome: the Ancient City

Roman Forum. Rome, Italy.

Rome is full of ruins from its ancient past. Come explore them with me.  Continue reading

Wandering Around the Windy City

Explorations of America’s largest city on Lake Michigan, Chicago, Illinois.  Continue reading

Wandering Medieval York

view from central tower of York Minster, York, England

York, England is a magical town full of unique medieval buildings still preserved to this day. Continue reading

Wandering Around the Big Apple

Greenwich Village, NYC

A little exploration of New York City’s amazing architecture.  Continue reading