Italia: Wandering Herculaneum

Explorations of one of the other ancient cities buried by Vesuvius. Continue reading
Explorations of one of the other ancient cities buried by Vesuvius. Continue reading
Ancient streets, ancient ruins and ancient art, explore the famous buried city of Pompeii! Continue reading
Another visit to the amazing city of Naples. Continue reading
Explore the largest royal palace in the world, conveniently located in the suburbs of Naples, Italy. Continue reading
Tag along as I return once again to the amazing city of Naples, Italy. Continue reading
Explore the ruins of the world’s most famous buried city! Continue reading
They are grisly, dark and awesome! Check out the Catacombs of Naples! Continue reading
Explore a villa once owned by one of Ancient Rome’s most infamous emperors. Continue reading
In the suburbs of Naples, Italy, lies one of the largest preserved mansions of the ancient world and it’s absolutely huge. Continue reading