Italia: Wandering Ostia Antica

Explorations of the ruins of Rome’s ancient port! Continue reading
Explorations of the ruins of Rome’s ancient port! Continue reading
My obsession with Rome is starting to get a bit ridiculous. Continue reading
A fifth visit to the Eternal City. Continue reading
Churches, churches and more churches, tag along as I explore some of my favorite sights in Rome. Continue reading
Returning to explore more of the Eternal City with two days jam packed full of ancient ruins and other awesome sights! Continue reading
Explore the immense beauty of Vatican City. Continue reading
Explorations of my favorite city in the world’s museums. Continue reading
Rome is famous for its churches. These are only a few of many you need to visit. Continue reading
Wander the narrow, winding streets of Rome. Continue reading
Rome is full of ruins from its ancient past. Come explore them with me. Continue reading
Take a dip into the past at Rome’s ancient Baths of Caracalla, where Ancient Romans got naked, clean, and well-read. Continue reading