One cannot go wrong with a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

UNESCO World Heritage Sites are judged to contain “cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity”. I just think that UNESCO has a habit of picking the coolest places.

I don’t plan my trip around visiting UNESCO sites. However, they seem to show up a lot in my travels. Probably because they choose the coolest places.

Below I have listed all my posts related to UNESCO World Heritage Sites. They might be the main reason for a post or just found while wandering around. I tend to do that.


Check out all these posts featuring UNESCO World Heritage Sites!

The Smokies: Creeks and Waterfalls

Come along as I explore follow some gurgling creeks and see some wonderful waterfalls in the Northeastern part of the Smokies. Continue reading


Lady Bird Johnson Grove. Redwoods National Park, California

Redwoods is more than just one park. There’s a whole bunch of them to explore! Continue reading