Italia: Wandering Bergamo

Explorations of a city with gorgeous churches, multiple fortifications and view of the Alps. Continue reading
Explorations of a city with gorgeous churches, multiple fortifications and view of the Alps. Continue reading
Explorations of one of Italy’s largest cities that for some reason I keep going back to. Continue reading
Explorations of a former capital city in Italy. Continue reading
Explorations of a UNESCO world heritage site where the ancient world meets the medieval world and beyond. Continue reading
A northern Italian city with ancient ruins, a UNESCO monastic complex, and even a castle! Continue reading
Explorations of a medieval city known for its grand towers, churches, and porticos! Continue reading
Explore a city so lovely that it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Continue reading
Explorations of a gorgeous medieval Tuscan city. Continue reading
Explorations of a small Tuscan city not far from Florence. Continue reading
Explorations of a lesser known, but still gorgeous, Tuscan city. Continue reading
Explore a hilltop city complete with medieval buildings, churches and gorgeous views. Continue reading
Explorations of a city made famous by its saintly son. Continue reading
Explorations of an Umbrian city high above the countryside. Continue reading
Explorations of one of the other ancient cities buried by Vesuvius. Continue reading
Ancient streets, ancient ruins and ancient art, explore the famous buried city of Pompeii! Continue reading
Another visit to the amazing city of Naples. Continue reading
Explorations of a gorgeous city on the Adriatic Sea. Continue reading
Explorations of Apulia’s White City! Continue reading
Explore the home of the trulli! Continue reading
Explorations of a port city on the Adriatic Sea and the final resting place of Ole St. Nick. Continue reading
Explorations of a Baroque city built in stone. Continue reading
Explorations of a small Southern Italian city few have heard about. Continue reading
Explorations of a city where people built their houses in caves! Continue reading
Explorations of a small town perched by the edge of the sea. Continue reading
Explorations of a harbor city where Sicily and mainland Italy meet. Continue reading
Explorations of a Baroque city at the foot of Mt. Etna. Continue reading
Explorations of a Southeastern Sicilian city perched on top of two hills. Continue reading
Explorations of the ruins of Rome’s ancient port! Continue reading
My obsession with Rome is starting to get a bit ridiculous. Continue reading
A fifth visit to the Eternal City. Continue reading
This palace is a lot, but in a good way. Continue reading
Explorations of an absolutely gorgeous palace in the suburbs of Munich. Continue reading
Explorations of the third largest city in Germany! Continue reading
Explorations of one of the most intact medieval city centers in Germany! Continue reading
Explore even more of the amazing city of Nuremberg, including the castle! Continue reading
Explorations of a really impressive German city! Continue reading
Explore a lovely Bavarian city that was fantastically rebuilt after WWII. Continue reading
Explorations of one extremely adorable German city. Continue reading
Check out the grand palaces of the Prussian kings! Continue reading
A palace and a bit of a wander, check out my explorations of Berlin! Continue reading
Explore a city that rose from the ashes of WWII. Continue reading
More explorations of the enchanting capital city of Czechia. Continue reading
Discover the grand castle of Prague! Continue reading
Take a look at the city that stole my heart. Continue reading
Bones, mummies, and even a castle! Check out the amazing Czech city of Brno! Continue reading
Explore the adorable capital city of Slovakia! Continue reading
A crazy day of exploring the capital city of Hungary! Continue reading
Even more museums, churches and palaces! Explore a bit more of Vienna! Continue reading
More museums, more palaces, more churches and even a crypt. Explore more of Vienna! Continue reading
Palaces, museums, and churches! Oh, My! Explore the amazing Vienna, Austria! Continue reading